Vendor: Ormsby

Ormsby Hype first run electric guitar w/ case

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Product Type: Electric Guitars
Vendor: Ormsby


Oh yeh , This black Ormsby "first run" Hype guitar has just arrived and it is indeed an amazing beast . Check out the headstock !! Such craftsmanship . Multiscale goodness.!

The technology that really sets the Ormsby brand apart is the use of our ‘Multiscale’ fanned fretboard which is a true piece of guitar innovation.
During the early days of Perry designing custom ordered models, he encountered a string tension issue that could be improved upon rather than tolerated and a whole new concept was born which put Ormsby Guitars on the map. In theory, implementing fanned frets would place the guitar’s frets on a calculated angle to give each string a different scale length; a longer scale length on the lower strings and a shorter scale length on the higher strings. The idea was designed and refined to what we still use on our guitars today and a whole new concept was brought to the industry.